Carol Schatz Papper

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Agency of Kind

Love is mysterious. So is this kitchen magnet. An extroverted man with a box of them gave me one for free near the entrance to the Women's March NYC last week. It seemed rude to refuse it. I mean, who isn't for love? There were free peace magnets too. But the little gift left me with questions. Why was he doing it? Was it his personal way of making a difference? Does it broadcast an unknown-to-me organized cause or movement? Was it left over from a wedding, political or religious event? Did he just think it was cool to print up love magnets to hand out to strangers? Does he share my firm belief that there is agency in daily kindness? Kindness seems more important than ever now. Even Nietzsche, a nihilist if ever there was one, believed kindness was one of the "most curative herbs and agents in human intercourse." Kindness, unlike even love, is defined in part by a complete lack of self-interest. It asks for nothing in return. It's a standalone virtue. Could it be among the most important political actions that can be practiced daily? What do you think?